14 DEC 2018

It was another grueling day in the forest today. We were surveying plots of land every 50 meters and 5 meters on either side of the trail counting the amount of ginger plants in each plot. It’s really hard work walking and punting plants in the forest, every time I take a beak it feels like I could lie down and fall asleep right there! I was either bit or stung on my finger when we were surveying spots. It hurt so bad, I wasn’t sure if I should have gone back to the camp or not! The pain was very intense and lasted for hours, my finger was even swollen! Luckily it was only a temporary pain, and the pain and swelling were gone by the time I went to bed, though my finger was still a little tingly. Despite the pain, it was a good day! I am excited to see what our cameras capture when we look at them in a few days.


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